mini hiatus

We have been all over the map these last few months. We packed up and moved from Calgary To Utah for Braden to go back to school at University of Utah.

We have had a lot of adventures these past few months, trying to find an apartment was harder than anticipated, living out of a suitcase for two months, me starting a new job, family vacation in montana, Braden fracturing a bone in his knee, and my little brothers wedding (that I was photographing) and then moving with a husband in crutches.

It has been hard and a little over whelming, to say the least. But such is life.

Now that we are semi settled with only a few boxes left and photos to hang on the wall, I'm ready to get back and start photographing again. Just before we moved I bought a hasselblad. I shot my BFA photo project on one and I have wanted one ever since. I love it. I love square photographs. It makes me feel legit.  Here is my first test roll I shot through it.