wedding+braden and kristen

This was my first wedding at the busy Salt Lake Temple and it went GREAT. I do not contribute that to me but to Braden, Kristen and their family. They were very patient as we waited out turn for the stairs (only like 45 minutes or so), extremely easy going and everyone looked beautiful. I did make one huge mistake though. I was shooting a bit of 220 film on my new medium format camera. It was only my second time using it and I opened the back a bit too early and lost about five pictures and had a few light leaks on some! Oh well, chalk it up for experience. I will never do that again, I will probably lock myself in a pitch black room before I open any film camera again.

Congrats to Braden and Kristen!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THESE PICTURES!!! you are amazing Ros!
