featured artist+ansel adams

Ansel makes me want to photograph only in black and white. For 30 years he photographed landscapes, many photos taken in Yosemite National Park. Photographing in large format, despite the size, weight and cost of film. Could you imagine carrying and hiking with that thing? Its a beast.

He developed the Zone System, which is an advanced way to expose and adjust the contrast. In my Photo II class at school we were taught the zone system, it was hard, I disliked it. Ansel and other artists formed a group f/64 characterized by sharp focused photographs (hence f/64). Now you can find find Ansel photographs everywhere. My sister gets an Ansel Adams calender every year for Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Cool pictures. My dad loved his work and had books of his pictures around when I was growing up. My appreciation for his work has really grown. They are amazing pictures.
