One Month

from today I will be at film boot camp. For those of you who do not know what film is, shame on you. One time I was taking a picture of a 16yr old girl. The camera shutter wouldn't go so I said "Oops! I forgot to wind it." She had no idea what that ment.

Jon Canlas is 100% film shooter, he photographed our wedding. He also runs a workshop Film is Not Dead (FIND).  And one month from today I will be in attendance, sitting like a sponge soaking in all this knowledge. 

1 comment:

  1. I have a couple old film cameras from my grandparents and I need to learn out to work them! I'm still working on figuring out my slr though. But, I think I could fall in love with film. I can't wait to see the results from your workshop!
