Featured Artist: Emerson Matabele

I have decided to that on my blog every once in a while I'm going to feature another artist. Who the artist will range anywhere from local or a famous dead one. But for my first pick I want to show you Emerson Matabele. I really dont know much about him, just that I saw his work at the Tempe Festival of Arts and instantly fell in love with it. He travels everywhere and has such an eye for composition. Basically he has my dream job.

The neat thing about Emerson is that if you purchase a print. It comes on an 14 by 18 print. but the image is only 8.25 by 8.25, at the bottom of the print he has unique inspirational quotes. One being,

 I slept and dreamed that life was a joy. 
I awoke and found that life was but service.
I served and discovered that service was joy.
Rabindranath Tagore


  1. Anonymous5/16/2010

    I love these!!!

  2. Anonymous5/17/2010

    I really like that first one a lot. I'm not sure where it is taken, but it really makes me want to go to Italy.
