Meet Weston, Nicole and Jackson

Surprise! Weston and Nicole came to visit during Weston's spring break. Everyone knew besides Shannon! Braden and I went to pick them up at the airport and we went to meet the family for lunch at Cheesecake Factory. Once we all arrived I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I came back a few seconds later, carrying a baby exclaiming "OH MY GOSH I FOUND A BABY ALONE IN THE BATHROOM!" Shannon started flipping out and then realized the baby I was holding is Jackson! She was so thrilled!

While they were here for the week I took their family photos. It was so much fun, Jackson is the happiest baby and smiled the whole time. Except when his parents kissed him.

1 comment:

  1. So Cute! I wish I could have meet Jackson he is so Cute!
